About the PI — Follette Lab

about the pi

I’m an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Amherst College. I’m passionate about understanding how planets form, how students learn math, and how to create a research climate in which all students thrive.


Meet our PI

Dr.Kate Follette

My primary scientific interest is in understanding how, when, and where planets are formed. The "birds and the bees" of exoplanets, as it were. To study this problem, I use big telescopes to take very high resolution images of young star systems and hunt for direct and indirect signs that planets are being born there.


Join our team!

We are always looking for students committed to working in a collaborative team on identifying direct and indirect signatures of planets and studying the efficacy of intro science courses in helping student learn “real world” quantitative skills. Do you love the idea of finding where, when, and how planets form around other stars? Are you passionate about the ways in which math skills might be a barrier to entry in STEM? Find out more about how to join the Follette Exoplanet and/or Education labs.